Kiddie Pool Astrology

Jump In. The Water’s Fine.

Transiting Bodies in Houses

Your astrological birth chart isn't stuck on dry land like the rotten hulk of a shipwreck on an abandoned island.

It was built for travel.

You're riding on top of a rock that's traveling 67,000 miles per hour (167,000 km/hour if you live in a non-imperialist place)--which means you, riding in this physical vessel (for specs, see BIRTH CHART) are on a cosmic road trip through the skies.

Your natal chart is just a snapshot of the planets' positions at the time of your birth.

But during your journey through life, the planets keep moving, grooving, and shifting in the sky. And like any vehicle, a bit of attention and preventive maintenance go a long way toward preserving the longevity, soundness, and comfort of the ride.

Astrological transits occur when the moving current planets form geometric connections to the planets in your natal chart, like a celestial meetup (or cross-town shouting match, in the case of the opposition).

How Astrological Transits Affect You

Think of these transits as cosmic visitors knocking on the door of your natal chart, bringing their unique energies and influences to your life. Each planet has its own personality and vibe, and when it interacts with your natal planets, it stirs up a cosmic cocktail of possibilities and opportunities.

  • For example, when Venus, the planet of love and beauty, makes a transit, it's like a cosmic cupid shooting arrows of romance and harmony into your life. You may experience moments of love, attraction, or a boost in creativity and aesthetic appreciation.

  • When Mars, the fiery planet of action and passion, pays a visit, it's like a cosmic cheerleader urging you to get up, get moving, and pursue your desires. You might feel a surge of energy, motivation, or assertiveness.

  • As the giant Jupiter swings by, it's like a cosmic Santa Claus, bringing gifts of expansion, growth, and abundance. This transit may bring opportunities for luck, optimism, or personal and professional advancement.

  • Saturn, the wise and disciplined planet, arrives like a cosmic life coach, reminding you of responsibilities and encouraging structure and long-term planning. This transit may bring lessons, challenges, and a need for self-discipline.

  • Uranus, the rebellious planet of change and innovation, arrives like a cosmic disruptor, shaking things up and urging you to break free from routines. This transit may bring sudden shifts, unexpected events, or a desire for freedom and individuality.

  • Neptune, the dreamy planet of imagination and spirituality, drifts in like a cosmic artist, inspiring creativity, intuition, and a deeper connection to the divine. This transit may enhance your imagination, intuition, and spiritual exploration.

  • Pluto, the transformative planet of power and regeneration, arrives like a cosmic phoenix, bringing profound changes and opportunities for personal growth. This transit may trigger deep inner transformations, endings, and new beginnings.

  • And let's not forget about the celestial goddesses! Vesta, Juno, Pallas, Astraea—they all have their own unique energies and areas of influence. When they make transits, they add their special spark to your life, be it in matters of home and family, relationships, wisdom, or justice.

So, as you journey through life, keep an eye on the cosmic visitors at your cosmic doorstep. Astrological transits can provide valuable insights, guidance, and opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Embrace the cosmic dance of the planets, my celestial friend, and let their playful interactions illuminate your path with delightful surprises and cosmic magic.

Ready to dive in? Let’s look at Mercury transits.


Mercury Transits in the 12 Houses and Signs


Asteroid Danae 61 in the Natal Birth Chart: How Your Feminine Potential Is Held Back and Ultimately Freed