The Asteroid Astraea in Astrology: Signs, Houses, Interpretations, and Myth

Justitia (Visconti-Sforza Tarot, 14th Century); Note the Stars on her gown

The Star Maiden of Justice

In astrology, Astraea (include in any chart as Asteroid 5) is associated with the constellation Virgo.

The asteroid Astraea's placement in a person's birth chart, its sign, house, aspects, condition and rulership offers critical information:

Astraea shows Where and How someone feels or acts upon a strong sense of justice. or an overwhelming desire for order and balance in their life. It may also indicate a focus on practical matters and a tendency towards perfectionism.

In this context, Astraea is felt as a deep drive for purity, innocence, and perfection. Pursued in a collaborative and peaceful spirit, this may lead a person to advocacy, charity work, education, nurturing, spiritual or healing professions. Virgos are known for their analytical and detail-oriented nature, and they are often associated with qualities such as modesty, precision, and practicality. In shadow manifestations, the asteroid may manifest as controlling impulses, criticality, and even a tendency toward violent suppression of difference.

Astraea's association with Virgo also emphasizes her connection to justice and righteousness. Virgos are known for their sense of fairness and their desire to make things right, which aligns with Astraea's role as a goddess of justice.

Astraea in the Signs

Aries: In Aries, Astraea may indicate a strong sense of justice and a desire to take action to make things right.

Taurus: In Taurus, Astraea may emphasize the importance of practicality and a desire for stability and security in matters of justice.

Gemini: In Gemini, Astraea may highlight a focus on communication and a desire for fairness and balance in intellectual pursuits.

Cancer: In Cancer, Astraea may indicate a strong sense of empathy and a desire to protect the vulnerable and underprivileged.

Leo: In Leo, Astraea may indicate a strong sense of personal integrity and a desire for recognition and respect in matters of justice.

Virgo: In Virgo, Astraea may emphasize a focus on details and a desire for precision and accuracy in matters of justice.

Libra: In Libra, Astraea may indicate a strong sense of fairness and a desire for balance and harmony in all areas of life.

Scorpio: In Scorpio, Astraea may emphasize the importance of transformation and a desire for justice and retribution in matters of power and control.

Sagittarius: In Sagittarius, Astraea may highlight a focus on higher principles and a desire for justice and fairness in matters of philosophy and belief.

Capricorn: In Capricorn, Astraea may indicate a strong sense of responsibility and a desire for justice and order in matters of authority and governance.

Aquarius: In Aquarius, Astraea may emphasize a focus on innovation and a desire for justice and equality in matters of social progress.

Pisces: In Pisces, Astraea may indicate a strong sense of compassion and a desire for justice and healing in matters of spirituality and creativity.

Astraea in The Houses

1st House: Emphasizes personal integrity and a strong sense of justice as part of one's identity.

2nd House: Highlights the importance of practicality and stability in matters of justice and fairness.

3rd House: Focuses on communication and intellectual pursuits related to justice and balance.

4th House: Emphasizes empathy and protection of the vulnerable in matters of home and family.

5th House: Highlights personal integrity and recognition in matters of creativity and self-expression.

6th House: Focuses on details and precision in matters of work and service.

7th House: Indicates a strong sense of fairness and balance in matters of partnership and relationships.

8th House: Emphasizes transformation and justice in matters of power and control.

9th House: Focuses on higher principles and ideals related to justice and fairness.

10th House: Indicates a strong sense of responsibility and governance in matters of authority and leadership.

11th House: Emphasizes innovation and progress in matters of social justice and equality.

12th House: Focuses on compassion and healing in matters of spirituality and creativity.

Curious about how your own asteroids affect you and/or your family, career, partner, love life? Book a natal or synastry reading.


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